The Advising Network and Co-Curricular Resources

Freshman Scholars with their advising and support team.

FSI provides many occasions for students to explore the seemingly boundless number of resources and opportunities at Princeton.  The early opportunity to engage with these resources allows our scholars to get a head start on defining their own educational path and developing as future campus leaders.  During the summer, scholars will gain experience with the following opportunities at Princeton:  

Academic Advising

During FSI, students have the chance to get to know their respective Directors of Studies and Deans from Princeton's six residential colleges (Butler, Forbes, Mathey, Rockefeller, Whitman, and Wilson). Deans and Directors of Studies are available throughout the summer to provide advice on academic planning and course selection in the freshman year and beyond. Students who intend to pursue the B.S.E. program or who are interested in learning more about degree requirements and certificate programs in the School of Engineering and Applied Science will also have the opportunity to consult with Peter Bogucki, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs in the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Similarly, students who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine or health care will be able to talk with the Directors of the Office of Health Professions Advising. These advisers will help students consider the various academic paths that might lead to a career in the health professions and help them locate opportunities for involvement in the local health care community. Dean Gonzalez will also be available throughout the summer to talk to scholars about their academic hopes and aspirations.


Academic Resources 

At Princeton, we believe that the best learning occurs through a spirit of collective inquiry. For this reason, experienced peer learners—primarily FSI alumni—will be embedded in each FSI course as “course fellows,” working with new students in order to help them gain strategies and tools for successfully approaching scholarly work at Princeton—including complex course readings, problem sets, and writing assignments. 

In the Ways of Knowing course, scholars will have the chance to work closely with experienced peer reading fellows, with whom they can discuss course material in a low-stakes environment. Scholars will also have the opportunity to visit Princeton’s Writing Center throughout the summer. Writing Center fellows can assist with any aspect of the writing process, from getting started to strengthening arguments to using sources clearly and effectively. Each FSI Scholar will also meet regularly with their professors to discuss writing assignments and get feedback on drafts.

Similarly, fellows will be on hand to work with scholars in facilitated problem-solving sessions for "Visualizing Data,” “Laboratory Research in the Life Sciences,” and “Foundations in Engineering.” Throughout the summer and academic year, the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning offers workshops and individual consultations to support Princeton undergraduates as they take on new academic challenges and develop as learners. During the FSI program, the Center coordinates a special series of workshops for Scholars on subjects from time management to course "blueprinting" to long-term academic goal setting.


Extracurricular Opportunities

Students and administrators from many different campus offices and organizations are keen to welcome Scholars into the Princeton community. Previous and future guests include: 

  • Office of Religious Life
  • The Office of International Programs
  • The Department of Athletics
  • The Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding
  • The LGBT Center
  • The Women's Center
  • The Princeton University Mentoring Program (PUMP)
  • Black Student Union's Leadership and Mentoring Program (LAMP)
  • Fellowship and Scholarship Advising
  • The Pace Center
  • Outdoor Action
  • Community Action

FSI students.


"I feel as if I have had a crash course in Princeton life...When I first arrived, I did not know the campus or how it operated, but now I feel as if I have a much better understanding of all I will need for the fall semester." 

Freshman Scholar, Class of 2013